Live Line Testers.
Our flagship product C31 Live Line Tester (LLT) tests overhead line equipment (OLE)
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C31e Development
The Cotec C31e, provides access to the tester’s internal activity log. It has bought the C31’s pre-existing communications up-to-date.
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Cotec Technology developed its expertise through the design and manufacture of sophisticated, cutting-edge electronic equipment.
Our equipment is used worldwide in a broad spectrum of industries, including: rail transport, renewables, dispense monitoring, nuclear power generation and oil and gas exploration.

C31 Live Line Tester

The C31 Live Line Tester (LLT) is designed for use on overhead a.c. electrified systems operating at 25kV nominal voltage, to indicate the presence of Traction voltage.

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How it works

The C31 LLT will indicate if a section of overhead line equipment (OLE) is de-energised and if not, what voltage is present.

Active Circuit
The second is an active circuit which is battery powered and it controls:the Red – Green lamp voltage indication. It also performs a system check, a lamp test and battery test every time the tester is turned on, and it warns if the calibration certificate is out-of-date, and it logs test activity for diagnostic purposes.The first is a passive circuit that is powered by the OLE voltage itself, which drives the meter pointer to indicate the precise voltage.​
Passive Circuit
The first is a passive circuit that is powered by the OLE voltage itself, which drives the meter pointer to indicate the precise voltage.​
Independent Circuits
The Cotec LLT is two independent testers in one body. Each one is galvanically isolated from the other so that if one circuit should fail then the other indicator can be trusted to keep operating. Having two independent measuring elements, the user can be sure of the indicated condition as each one confirms the other.​

Our Blog

Ensuring Safety on the Rails: How Cotec Technology's C31 Live Line Tester is Saving Lives
May 31, 2024

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10 Quick Tips About Blogging
Feb 21, 2019

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15 Best Blogs To Follow About Web Design
Feb 21, 2019

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